High Scores for Onslaught


Highest score of all time: Swartezz Score: 2147483647 in 41:04

Your personal highest score of all time:

Onslaught Champion:

#1 — Swartezz — Score: 2147483647 in 41:04

#2 — Swartezz — Score: 2147483647 in 112:43

#3 — 1King2A3 — Score: 2147483647 in 48:29

#4 — 1King2A3 — Score: 2147483647 in 38:30

#5 — ALExGN — Score: 2147483647 in 112:23

#6 — 1King2A3 — Score: 2147483647 in 48:31

#7 — Swartezz — Score: 2145168335 in 44:26

#8 — 1King2A3 — Score: 1861576294 in 22:36

#9 — jmark14 — Score: 1656484505 in 53:05

#10 — 1King2A3 — Score: 1590009150 in 29:12

#11 — Swartezz — Score: 1459295776 in 72:54

#12 — jmark14 — Score: 1355261250 in 48:13

#13 — bdog813 — Score: 1278424800 in 46:38

#14 — jmark14 — Score: 297092220 in 31:10

#15 — bdog813 — Score: 109830810 in 14:21

#16 — Kyogre — Score: 45691440 in 17:44

#17 — jmark14 — Score: 44697400 in 20:54

#18 — Kyogre — Score: 29872610 in 17:59

#19 — 1King2A3 — Score: 29240000 in 14:12

#20 — Lexibean — Score: 25399340 in 08:37

#21 — Lexibean — Score: 23475425 in 10:50

#22 — jmark14 — Score: 21981750 in 13:56

#23 — Kyogre — Score: 19982220 in 16:52

#24 — jmark14 — Score: 19733912 in 28:13

#25 — kay1795 — Score: 18985580 in 24:56

#26 — jmark14 — Score: 18705440 in 56:07

#27 — Lexibean — Score: 18530490 in 28:48

#28 — Lexibean — Score: 18002700 in 10:40

#29 — jmark14 — Score: 15224125 in 12:32

#30 — 1King2A3 — Score: 13353824 in 14:57

#31 — lildil01 — Score: 11349325 in 18:19

#32 — JWheeler — Score: 10854060 in 21:36

#33 — 1King2A3 — Score: 8286300 in 07:13

#34 — Lexibean — Score: 8164800 in 07:07

#35 — JWheeler — Score: 6262350 in 67:56

#36 — jmark14 — Score: 5151408 in 36:43

#37 — spratz — Score: 4735500 in 16:54

#38 — kay1795 — Score: 4065700 in 06:37

#39 — ChelseaG17 — Score: 3397950 in 14:35

#40 — jmark14 — Score: 3289755 in 17:18

#41 — ChelseaG17 — Score: 3220030 in 13:42

#42 — kay1795 — Score: 3091710 in 05:36

#43 — JWheeler — Score: 2966355 in 14:05

#44 — JWheeler — Score: 2729160 in 14:11

#45 — jmark14 — Score: 2693250 in 73:56

#46 — Renegade — Score: 2546915 in 12:15

#47 — iPoopOnOysters — Score: 2433900 in 07:17

#48 — JWheeler — Score: 2305100 in 12:59

#49 — JWheeler — Score: 2184740 in 15:28

#50 — kadenguy — Score: 2029600 in 11:21

66 scores have been submitted for this game this reset.

Note: High scores for specific games will reset once 150 scores are submitted.

Note: Champions of specific games will be granted 10 gold pieces every time somebody plays the game they are a champion of (including themselves).

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