JWheeler's Profile

Ranking: Neophyte
Hit Points: 20
Gold: 4257 Gold Piece
Items: 9
Avatars: 0
Medallions: 0
Games Played: 115
Badges: 0
Quests Completed: 0
Foil Items: 0
Join Date: May 23rd, 2012 11:46 PM
Last Login: September 28th, 2012 5:03 AM


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Jester HatR3#15 ☋Jester Hat
3 Armor


AxeR4#14 ☌Axe
4 Attack


Goron's BraceletR2#26 ☡Goron's Bracelet
2 Luck


BootsR2#7 ☥Boots
2 Speed


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Currently Selling

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Latest Collected Medallions

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Latest Highscores

Onslaught 10854060 in 21:36

Onslaught 6262350 in 67:56

Casse-Briques 475 in 04:06

Casse-Briques 290 in 02:14

Onslaught 1798985 in 12:48

Onslaught 2966355 in 14:05

Boom Box 3870 in 06:04

Snackalope 8284 in 04:07

Onslaught 2184740 in 15:28

Onslaught 2729160 in 14:11

Onslaught 1832085 in 26:18

Casse-Briques 285 in 02:28

Onslaught 2305100 in 12:59

Onslaught 1116000 in 11:15

Onslaught 1153040 in 09:47

Hot Dog Bush 412 in 11:24

Onslaught 1517190 in 12:12

Onslaught 1744740 in 12:29

Latest Collected Items

Small KeyR2#13 ☤Small Key
BellR4#6 ☾Bell
RaftR3#27 ☀Raft
CrossR2#4 ☥Cross
GrenadeR3#4 ☊Grenade
Goron's BraceletR2#26 ☡Goron's Bracelet
Jester HatR3#15 ☋Jester Hat

AxeR4#14 ☌Axe
BootsR2#7 ☥Boots

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Wise Words

That's the second biggest monkey head I've ever seen! -Guybrush Threepwood in The Secret of Monkey Island | Read More...

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