1King2A3's Profile

Duke NukemDuke Nukem #8

Ranking: Expert
Hit Points: 376
Gold: 97858 Gold Piece
Items: 657
Avatars: 27
Medallions: 5
Games Played: 1936
Badges: 6
Quests Completed: 706
Foil Items: 0
Join Date: January 19th, 2012 12:04 PM
Last Login: June 17th, 2016 12:55 AM


Website: http://www.thetechgame.com
Steam: The Event Horizon



HelmetR5#6 ☊Helmet
5 Armor


Laser CannonR5#9 ☣Laser Cannon
5 Attack


Necklace on NavigatorR5#64 ☇Necklace on Navigator
5 Luck


Hover BootsR5#69 ☡Hover Boots
5 Speed


Anti Pacman Champion
Score: 12123
Anti Pacman
Army of Destruction Champion
Score: 22801
Army of Destruction
Bricks of Egypt Champion
Score: 45002
Bricks of Egypt
Captain Skyro Champion
Score: 8165
Captain Skyro
Floati'n Assult Champion
Score: 22310
Floati'n Assult
Nodes Champion
Score: 909

Currently Selling

This user is not selling any items in the vendor house!

Latest Collected Medallions

Doom 64
Doom 64
Mega Man
Mega Man
Battle City
Battle City

Latest Highscores

Boxhead 2Play Rooms 26910200 in 10:22

Bound Bear 1250 in 02:27

Boxhead 2Play Rooms 6173600 in 02:11

Border Blast 3743108 in 92:46

Border Blast 19931 in 00:58

Boxhead 2Play Rooms 7581800 in 31:20

Boxhead 2Play Rooms 22006600 in 03:09

Boxhead 2Play Rooms 2178300 in 02:07

Boxhead 2Play Rooms 3059200 in 00:49

Boxhead 2Play Rooms 4169700 in 01:32

Boxhead 2Play Rooms 17605400 in 02:44

Boxhead 2Play Rooms 12913200 in 01:57

Boxhead 2Play Rooms 23579500 in 03:27

Boxhead 2Play Rooms 2380100 in 04:49

Breakit 1450 in 00:47

Breakit 6800 in 01:52

Breakit 6100 in 02:32

Breakit 6900 in 02:11

Latest Collected Items

Enguarde TokenR4#12 ☂Enguarde Token
Fairy BowR3#37 ☡Fairy Bow
Zelda's LetterR2#31 ☡Zelda's Letter
1-Up MushroomR2#9 ★1-Up Mushroom
Super Gun BulletsR2#7 ☉Super Gun Bullets
Super Gun BulletsR2#7 ☉Super Gun Bullets
1-UPR4#5 ☺1-UP

Magical KeyR3#8 ☥Magical Key
Magic WandR4#29 ☀Magic Wand
Yellow ShellR3#13 ☆Yellow Shell
FlashlightR1#7 ☤Flashlight
Giant WalletR3#47 ☡Giant Wallet
PamphletR4#60 ☇Pamphlet
SwordR2#37 ☇Sword

Red RingR3#25 ☀Red Ring
Green BalloonR4#8 ☂Green Balloon
Golden ScaleR4#68 ☡Golden Scale
Eyeball FrogR4#60 ☡Eyeball Frog
Power BalloonR4#17 ☆Power Balloon
BootsR2#7 ☥Boots of Virtue
BookR2#10 ☉Book

Who's Online

8 Guests, 0 Users

Wise Words

Would you kindly? -Frank Fontaine in Bioshock |

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