kay1795's Profile

KirbyKirby #24

Ranking: Apprentice
Hit Points: 62
Gold: 28836 Gold Piece
Items: 26
Avatars: 4
Medallions: 1
Games Played: 1185
Badges: 0
Quests Completed: 15
Foil Items: 0
Join Date: February 3rd, 2012 11:12 AM
Last Login: March 6th, 2013 8:41 AM


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Latest Collected Medallions

Ultima Online
Ultima Online

Latest Highscores

Rolley Ball 8920 in 02:48

Mouze Maze 29910 in 02:33

Major Slant 1992 in 02:43

Bombay Taxi 2 18000 in 03:56

Pixel Blaster 46640 in 02:16

Bloons Junior 2895 in 16:36

Bumperjack 4510 in 11:09

Balloon Shoot 6150 in 04:51

Onslaught 1393850 in 06:48

Bumperjack 1740 in 08:17

Onslaught 3091710 in 05:36

Onslaught 4065700 in 06:37

Zammo 2 11400 in 09:19

Onslaught 1191800 in 22:43

Onslaught 18985580 in 24:56

Balloon Shoot 4890 in 04:42

Balloon Shoot 1290 in 04:16

Gamma Bros. 57600 in 04:52

Latest Collected Items

DaggerR1#1 ☌Dagger of Persuasion
Letter NR3#5 ☂Letter N
Letter OR3#6 ☂Letter O
Bok ChoyR3#7 ☃Bok Choy
Red BalloonR3#3 ☂Red Balloon
BananaR1#1 ☂Banana
TurnipR2#4 ☃Turnip

CornR2#5 ☃Corn
EggplantR1#3 ☃Eggplant
CucumberR2#6 ☃Cucumber
PumpkinR3#8 ☃Pumpkin
CarrotR1#2 ☃Carrot
Red ShardR4#20 ☉Red Shard of Bartering
Magnetic CompassR2#36 ☇Magnetic Compass of Wealth

KeyR1#12 ☀Key of Wealth
TrampolineR4#14 ★Trampoline of Wealth
Magic BeansR2#21 ☡Magic Beans of Persuasion
7 Way ShotR3#8 ☁7 Way Shot of Bartering
Blue CandleR1#11 ☀Blue Candle of Bartering
MinutesR2#27 ☇Minutes of Bartering
Root BeerR2#31 ☇Root Beer of Fortune

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Wise Words

That was too close, you were almost a Jill sandwich! -Barry in Resident Evil | Read More...

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