ALExGN's Profile

Ranking: Neophyte
Hit Points: 23
Gold: 16474 Gold Piece
Items: 36
Avatars: 0
Medallions: 0
Games Played: 123
Badges: 1
Quests Completed: 1
Foil Items: 0
Join Date: December 24th, 2012 2:39 AM
Last Login: October 2nd, 2013 3:01 PM


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GlowstickR1#5 ☤Glowstick
1 Attack


Soaked Cotton StringR2#12 ☤Soaked Cotton String
2 Luck




Bukkerittet Champion
Score: 7616

Currently Selling

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Latest Collected Medallions

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Latest Highscores

Bukkerittet 7616 in 03:48

Bukkerittet 6602 in 02:33

Bukkerittet 5473 in 08:10

Cargo Bridge 8771 in 15:56

Magic Touch 2850 in 03:12

Magic Touch 1260 in 05:16

Mouze Maze 89090 in 12:29

1 Will Survive 5740 in 28:26

1 Will Survive 6806 in 13:56

1 Will Survive 1633 in 21:45

1 Will Survive 1968 in 12:16

Choppa Poppa 1568 in 05:58

Noodle Fury 2400 in 01:08

Bombay Taxi 2 3000 in 02:34

Summer Walk 12170 in 13:36

1 Will Survive 374 in 33:52

1 Will Survive 2008 in 15:02

Casse-Briques 2045 in 08:14

Latest Collected Items

Tall Straw HatR2#11 ☋Tall Straw Hat
FishR1#16 ☇Fish
PadlockR1#2 ☤Padlock
Handheld ComputerR3#12 ☉Handheld Computer
DrinkR1#5 ☍Drink
BatteryR3#26 ☤Battery
Too Many MemosR4#52 ☇Too Many Memos

TrampolineR4#14 ★Trampoline
Big HeartR2#5 ☌Big Heart
Letter OR3#6 ☂Letter O
Red ShellR2#8 ★Red Shell
Flaming MassR2#25 ☇Flaming Mass
TrampolineR4#15 ☆Trampoline
KeyR1#12 ☀Key

CrossR2#4 ☥Cross
Melting MugR1#2 ☇Melting Mug
Soaked Cotton StringR2#12 ☤Soaked Cotton String
Flaming MassR2#25 ☇Flaming Mass
Rapid Fire FalconR2#3 ☈Rapid Fire Falcon
Power BalloonR4#17 ☆Power Balloon
Business CardR3#40 ☇Business Card

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