Games - Treasure Caves

Treasure CavesTreasure Caves

For whatever reason, you are the popular Nintendo character, Kirby, collecting yummy food items. Collect all the items to get to the next level, but watch out for the falling boulders. by Terry Paton

Treasure Caves Champion: mark13ox Score: 364920 in 23:49

Highest score of all time: lefty24 Score: 371040 in 28:44

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Commenting & Reviews

9. bella said:
i meant smack talk May 9th, 2011 4:08 PM

8. bella said:
dude u didn't answer my question.plus how did you know i died i didn't i died on purpose cuz i got bored of the game i already beat you so i didn't want to play any more.plus it's not like i hate u it's that i don't like it when people beat me or smack ta May 8th, 2011 12:15 PM

7. Czilla said:
MAN! i cant beat this score! i wish i sucked at this game so bad and take 40 mins to get this score! May 7th, 2011 3:28 PM

6. Czilla said:
your a failure you died 2/3 of the times to get to that high score? wow u must be really bad at this game to die that many times to get to lvl 10 and then beating the game i went thru without dying and got only 356k May 7th, 2011 3:20 PM

5. bella said:
tsk tsk tsk Czilla MY game,MY highscore!give up?NEVER underestimate me!all's fair in love and war.i kinda don't get that but i think it means can we be friends?or at least frienimeies.^_^ May 6th, 2011 10:13 PM

4. Czilla said:
have fun with that bella and BTW i hope that is was suppose to be it otheriwse your english sucks as bad as your garbage talk April 24th, 2011 10:13 PM

3. bella said:
oh you wanna bet?it is on czilla!let see whos game and real highscore is really for!>:) April 24th, 2011 2:30 PM

2. Czilla said:
double goes for you callen :D April 5th, 2011 7:58 PM

1. Czilla said:
tsk tsk tsk bella.... my game, my highscore! :D March 27th, 2011 10:35 PM

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