bella's Profile

Ranking: Novice
Hit Points: 29
Gold: 7533 Gold Piece
Items: 84
Avatars: 0
Medallions: 0
Games Played: 396
Badges: 1
Quests Completed: 11
Foil Items: 0
Join Date: April 7th, 2010 4:50 PM
Last Login: January 22nd, 2013 6:54 PM


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Silver GauntletsR4#57 ☡Silver Gauntlets
4 Armor


Broken Goron's SwordR3#42 ☡Broken Goron's Sword
3 Attack


Goron's BraceletR2#26 ☡Goron's Bracelet
2 Luck




Telescope Champion
Score: 365

Currently Selling

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Latest Collected Medallions

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Latest Highscores

Biff and Baff in Going Up 744 in 02:47

Rocket Man 16550 in 03:28

Floati'n Assult 2860 in 02:21

Biff and Baff in Going Up 944 in 02:02

Biff and Baff in Going Up 318 in 02:22

Amateur Surgeon Christmas Edition 41401 in 64:58

Jumpo 50 in 02:59

Jumpo 96 in 02:54

Nodes 261 in 03:01

Breakit 15850 in 83:55

Nodes 375 in 10:17

Nodes 258 in 12:49

Jumpo 75 in 02:44

Shoot 3934 in 05:05

Jumpo 98 in 01:56

Jumpo 59 in 01:16

Penguin Panic 207 in 07:03

Lightning Librarian 14650 in 22:54

Latest Collected Items

Stop WatchR3#10 ☌Stop Watch
Fire GrenadeR2#9 ☉Fire Grenade
LensR2#29 ☇Lens
DrinkR1#5 ☍Drink
Fluid Lighter GasR1#6 ☤Fluid Lighter Gas
Security ArmorR3#12 ☠Security Armor
MeatR1#18 ☇Meat

Yellow Key CardR2#7 ☠Yellow Key Card
PotR1#17 ☇Pot
Bigger Deku Seeds Bullet BagR3#49 ☡Bigger Deku Seeds Bullet Bag
Machine Gun FalconR1#2 ☈Machine Gun Falcon
LensR2#29 ☇Lens
Pocket EggR2#25 ☡Pocket Egg
Machine Gun FalconR1#2 ☈Machine Gun Falcon

Yellow Skull KeyR3#14 ☠Yellow Skull Key
Smart BombR4#13 ☁Smart Bomb
Root BeerR2#31 ☇Root Beer
Green BalloonR4#8 ☂Green Balloon
Broken Goron's SwordR3#42 ☡Broken Goron's Sword
Kokiri TunicR1#9 ☡Kokiri Tunic
StrawberryR1#1 ☾Strawberry

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