Games - Spectrum Wings

Spectrum WingsSpectrum Wings

A horizontal shooter with ten unique levels and plenty of upgrades (via the shop). Make sure you have a lot of time to get through this game, and a lot of patience as it gets pretty hard. by David Jalbert.

Spectrum Wings Champion: lefty24 Score: 248700 in 24:08

Highest score of all time: lefty24 Score: 248700 in 24:08

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Commenting & Reviews

3. mark13ox said:
This game is unwinnable. The last level is impossible, even with all the highest powerups. March 24th, 2013 8:48 AM

2. 1King2A3 said:
WOW. a knock-off of Gradius using quite a few sound effects from Mega Man. But its still good... February 17th, 2013 8:04 PM

1. 1King2A3 said:
Let me guess... Fail Drath TheTechGame . com / Hippie February 15th, 2013 7:07 AM

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