Games - Bloons Tower Defense

Bloons Tower DefenseBloons Tower Defense

Use a combination of monkeys throwing darts, tack projectile machines and other contraptions to pop all the incoming balloons or 'bloons'. by NinjaKiwi

Bloons Tower Defense Champion: Scapegoat Score: 356294 in 20:59

Highest score of all time: Scapegoat Score: 357075 in 36:13

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Commenting & Reviews

3. TheTechGame said:
Whoa this is old, Can you get Bloons 5? March 18th, 2013 10:50 AM

2. Scapegoat said:
Hehe, oh hi there. o/ March 11th, 2013 12:44 PM

1. 1King2A3 said:
Welcome back Scapegoat! March 11th, 2013 11:24 AM

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