kingd's Profile

Ranking: Neophyte
Hit Points: 20
Gold: 1274 Gold Piece
Items: 35
Avatars: 0
Medallions: 0
Games Played: 225
Badges: 0
Quests Completed: 7
Foil Items: 0
Join Date: February 22nd, 2012 9:05 AM
Last Login: August 28th, 2012 7:41 AM


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Goron TunicR4#67 ☡Goron Tunic
4 Armor


Biggoron's SwordR5#82 ☡Biggoron's Sword
5 Attack


Soaked Cotton StringR2#12 ☤Soaked Cotton String
2 Luck




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Currently Selling

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Latest Collected Medallions

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Latest Highscores

Amateur Surgeon Christmas Edition 3903 in 15:24

360 Defense 14200 in 04:08

Casse-Briques 1670 in 05:26

Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road? 8000 in 02:03

Jumpo 223 in 06:01

Zombie Mania 763 in 13:33

Boss Stamp 48 in 02:43

Card Toss 16427 in 02:43

Saturday Night Bloodfest 131559 in 17:24

Latest Collected Items

Blue Skull KeyR3#16 ☠Blue Skull Key
Magic BeansR2#21 ☡Magic Beans
Melting MugR1#2 ☇Melting Mug
Nayru's LoveR5#75 ☡Nayru's Love
Mirror ShieldR5#73 ☡Mirror Shield
Treasure BagR5#18 ☍Treasure Bag
Fabulous IdolR5#71 ☇Fabulous Idol

Soaked Cotton StringR2#12 ☤Soaked Cotton String
Deku NutR1#8 ☡Deku Nut
Magnetic CompassR2#36 ☇Magnetic Compass
Blue BalloonR5#13 ☂Blue Balloon
Blue Skull KeyR3#16 ☠Blue Skull Key
Goron TunicR4#67 ☡Goron Tunic
Big PoeR4#58 ☡Big Poe

Blue ShardR4#22 ☉Blue Shard
Red ShardR4#20 ☉Red Shard
Mirror ShieldR5#73 ☡Mirror Shield
Manual of StyleR4#57 ☇Manual of Style
Biggoron's SwordR5#82 ☡Biggoron's Sword
Ecru CitrineR4#21 ☋Ecru Citrine
AppleR2#3 ☾Apple

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Wise Words

Prepare for unforeseen consequences. -G-man in Half-Life 2: Episode 2 | Read More...

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