Games - Casse-Briques


A very minimalistic french Arkanoid clone. No frills, just straight up brick-breaking action! There is some interesting bonuses and surprises a long the way though... I guess those are frills afterall. by Sam's Factory

Casse-Briques Champion: lefty24 Score: 4510 in 16:18

Highest score of all time: lefty24 Score: 4510 in 16:18

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Commenting & Reviews

4. NippileHair said:
I suck sooo bad March 16th, 2012 8:46 AM

3. Vyra said:
Thanks! I hadn't thought to click the mouse. September 24th, 2010 1:27 PM

2. drath said:
The spike is for shooting, just click the mouse to fire. I noticed the glitch on no score submit on hard mode... it really sucks! September 24th, 2010 11:38 AM

1. Vyra said:
Could use a pause function. Also, I have no idea what the spike on the paddle is supposed to do. Also it doesn't seem to send my scores on hard mode. September 24th, 2010 10:32 AM

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