Games - Bloons Junior

Bloons JuniorBloons Junior

A more easier paced version of the classic Bloons series. Throw darts at balloons and other special power-ups to gain their effects. by NinjaKiwi

Bloons Junior Champion: ViggoVVS Score: 4762 in 08:04

Highest score of all time: ViggoVVS Score: 4762 in 08:04

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Commenting & Reviews

3. Fiston said:
This is so riciculous. I played now this game for nearly 40 Minutes until to the last level with a score of 4769.2. And what happened by submitting the score (only one time): Error debugging and no result. F...!!! Played for nothing August 6th, 2015 10:59 AM

2. Dovahkiin said:
a game that require's less skill and strategy than more balloon's...still don't have it :P September 13th, 2012 10:09 AM

1. OgStroshine said:
;) lol June 16th, 2012 4:27 PM

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