21chips's Profile

Ranking: Neophyte
Hit Points: 22
Gold: 6554 Gold Piece
Items: 43
Avatars: 0
Medallions: 0
Games Played: 285
Badges: 0
Quests Completed: 2
Foil Items: 0
Join Date: October 18th, 2010 6:05 PM
Last Login: May 29th, 2015 2:33 PM


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Wide-Brim HatR1#4 ☋Wide-Brim Hat
1 Armor


CannonballR3#49 ☇Cannonball
3 Attack


Goron's BraceletR2#26 ☡Goron's Bracelet
2 Luck


Iron BootsR3#39 ☡Iron Boots
3 Speed


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Currently Selling

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Latest Collected Medallions

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Latest Highscores

Space Invaders Defense 1245 in 02:10

1 Will Survive 1644 in 17:25

1 Will Survive 2145 in 12:46

Space Invaders Defense 8265 in 06:18

Plumber 2 15609 in 08:24

Floati'n Assult 7194 in 01:23

Floati'n Assult 6092 in 02:10

Frontline Defense: First Assault 11124 in 13:04

Tunnel Rush 107214 in 02:24

Defend Your Castle 3206 in 05:03

Orbitex 2 153957 in 08:33

360 Defense 38978 in 10:19

Army of Destruction 3050 in 05:13

Army Copter 3277 in 05:10

Dangle 150 in 03:01

Bubble Bust 6003 in 02:34

South Park Snake Blast 6900 in 01:53

Candy Blocks 31780 in 08:16

Latest Collected Items

Fire RubyR5#30 ☋Fire Ruby
RaftR2#5 ☥Raft
Turbo EngineR2#6 ☁Turbo Engine
Giant WalletR3#47 ☡Giant Wallet
Goron's BraceletR2#26 ☡Goron's Bracelet
Yellow Key CardR2#7 ☠Yellow Key Card
Iron BootsR3#39 ☡Iron Boots

GinsengR2#9 ☋Ginseng
Giant WalletR3#47 ☡Giant Wallet
SwordR2#37 ☇Sword
BonnetR1#5 ☋Bonnet
Adult WalletR2#32 ☡Adult Wallet
MinutesR2#27 ☇Minutes
CannonballerR3#13 ★Cannonballer

ChickenR1#15 ☇Chicken
Yellow PetalR1#13 ☇Yellow Petal
Sulfurous AshR2#7 ☋Sulfurous Ash
MelonR3#5 ☾Melon
PumpkinR3#8 ☃Pumpkin
CrossR2#4 ☥Cross
Magical KeyR3#8 ☥Magical Key

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Wise Words

Thank you Mario... But our princess is in another castle! -Toad in Super Mario Bros. | Read More...

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