Games - Defend Your Castle

Defend Your CastleDefend Your Castle

A classic castle defense game where you drag and drop stickmen to make them fall to their doom. As you are killing the stickmen foes, you earn points in which you can buy upgrades and repairs that will come in handy later on. Unfortunately because you can save and load on this game, the reward has been lowered. by XGen Studios

Defend Your Castle Champion: jorjy78 Score: 104680 in 18:29

Highest score of all time: jorjy78 Score: 104680

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Commenting & Reviews

1. drath said:
Sucks that I had to lower the gold in this because people can exploit by loading/saving. :( May 12th, 2011 8:03 PM

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Hmm, that's one 'Doomed' Space Marine. -Duke Nukem in Duke Nukem 3D | Read More...

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