High Scores for Toss the Turtle

Toss the TurtleToss the Turtle

Highest score of all time: aschmaltz Score: 7519429 in 51:11

Your personal highest score of all time:

Toss the Turtle Champion:

#1 — mark13ox — Score: 3448267 in 12:16

#2 — NXGamer18 — Score: 3251260 in 164:01

#3 — mark13ox — Score: 2938030 in 07:57

#4 — bkretz4 — Score: 1377377 in 108:45

#5 — bkretz4 — Score: 48252 in 91:55

#6 — naterhater11 — Score: 24909 in 44:45

#7 — drath — Score: 3183 in 01:08

#8 — arie1kanarie — Score: 2304 in 02:04

#9 — arie1kanarie — Score: 1577 in 03:01

#10 — Songmaven — Score: 891 in 01:34

#11 — mark13ox — Score: 686 in 00:48

11 scores have been submitted for this game this reset.

Note: High scores for specific games will reset once 150 scores are submitted.

Note: Champions of specific games will be granted 10 gold pieces every time somebody plays the game they are a champion of (including themselves).

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