arie1kanarie's Profile

Ranking: Apprentice
Hit Points: 99
Gold: 49564 Gold Piece
Items: 331
Avatars: 1
Medallions: 0
Games Played: 1188
Badges: 3
Quests Completed: 1
Foil Items: 0
Join Date: February 23rd, 2016 11:48 PM
Last Login: April 26th, 2019 9:39 AM


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Canyon Defense Champion
Score: 22203341
Canyon Defense
Freakshow Pinball Champion
Score: 522600
Freakshow Pinball
Cargo Bridge Champion
Score: 18112
Cargo Bridge

Currently Selling

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Latest Collected Medallions

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Latest Highscores

Card Toss 94534 in 04:05

Card Toss 83929 in 04:14

Card Toss 77312 in 03:35

Army of Destruction 3140 in 27:00

Helicopter 189 in 00:36

Helicopter 538 in 02:33

Zombie Breaker 1800 in 01:25

Zombie Breaker 1450 in 01:56

Zombie Breaker 200 in 01:31

Bubble Popper Marathon 7310 in 07:02

Tunnel Rush 46750 in 02:34

Booa Jumper 34615 in 00:44

Booa Jumper 34836 in 00:58

Booa Jumper 17480 in 00:56

Freakshow Pinball 77050 in 02:30

Freakshow Pinball 135550 in 02:51

Freakshow Pinball 147350 in 03:14

Destination Earth 191 in 01:45

Latest Collected Items

Heart PieceR1#4 ☀Heart Piece
Spooky MaskR1#3 ☡Spooky Mask
Magic BoomerangR2#22 ☀Magic Boomerang
Straw HatR1#2 ☋Straw Hat
7 Way ShotR3#8 ☁7 Way Shot
Farore's WindR3#50 ☡Farore's Wind
Pink AppleR1#3 ☆Pink Apple

MushroomR1#3 ★Mushroom
Red Key CardR2#8 ☠Red Key Card
Small KeyR1#5 ☇Small Key
Locked ChestR3#13 ☍Locked Chest
BombR2#29 ☡Bomb
Extra Power ShotR3#10 ☍Extra Power Shot
Padlock KeyR1#1 ☤Padlock Key

GinsengR2#9 ☋Ginseng
Blue FireR3#34 ☡Blue Fire
Machine GunR1#6 ☉Machine Gun
Green PoisonR1#2 ☍Green Poison
ShieldR1#13 ☀Shield
Health PotionR2#6 ☠Health Potion
Red Key CardR2#8 ☠Red Key Card

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Do a barrel roll! -Peppy from Starfox 64 | Read More...

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