Games - Wacky Ballz Blast

Wacky Ballz BlastWacky Ballz Blast

An addicting ball shooting game where the object is to get as far as possible while picking up bonus stars and power-ups a long the way. How could you go wrong with a game named 'Wacky Ballz Blast'? by One Sly Fox Games for Games Free

Wacky Ballz Blast Champion: BoilerMaker777 Score: 8069 in 03:46

Highest score of all time: keister870 Score: 9106 in 04:35

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Commenting & Reviews

3. Derek said:
It's so sad when I get 5580 score from a beach ball when I get only 2000 something from the best ball in the game. March 8th, 2014 3:13 PM

2. Dovahkiin said:
First Comment for this page! April 13th, 2012 8:20 AM

1. Dovahkiin said:
First Comment for this page! April 13th, 2012 8:17 AM

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