Games - Sixty Seconds to Live

Sixty Seconds to LiveSixty Seconds to Live

A speed-based point and click adventure game with hand-drawn graphics and a interesting plot/story. The game focuses on mouse dragging, clicking, and holding for solving puzzles. Can you make it through? by deeperbeige.com

Sixty Seconds to Live Champion: BoilerMaker777 Score: 9329 in 00:07

Highest score of all time: BoilerMaker777 Score: 9329 in 00:07

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Commenting & Reviews

3. TucanOG said:
What am I missing?!? December 6th, 2016 1:03 PM

BURNED Need some ointment for that burn? OH, DOUBLE BURN! May 14th, 2012 11:27 AM

1. CaptainDallas said:
*You're April 24th, 2012 9:58 AM

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