Games - Rick Dangerous

Rick DangerousRick Dangerous

A flash remake of the classic keyboard-breaking difficulty game, Rick Dangerous. Be prepared to swear alot. Want that retro look? Make sure to turn quality to low to make the game look pixelated. CTRL + Up shoots your gun, CTRL + Down drops a bomb. Make sure to look in game for other important controls. by Rick Dangerous Flash.

Rick Dangerous Champion: MrGee Score: 9390 in 07:19

Highest score of all time: OlivierM Score: 62560 in 58:41

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Commenting & Reviews

1. AfricanMan said:
Some BK Randy beat my score... March 5th, 2013 10:45 AM

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Hey dudes, thanks for rescuing me! Let's go for a burger... Ha! Ha! Ha! -The President of the United States in Bad Dudes | Read More...

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