Games - Magic Drop

Magic DropMagic Drop

A classic combo drop game with an alchemy theme. As you go through the levels, your bottom line increases with potions and more types of potions are added into the mix. by JustFreeGames

Magic Drop Champion: zubairwaqas Score: 2018 in 31:48

Highest score of all time: Wistaire Score: 2064 in 24:30

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Commenting & Reviews

2. blibbon said:
yep, game seems to cut out and subit score at lvl 10 August 6th, 2019 3:17 AM

1. oldbutfast said:
is this game on time limit, always on the 10th level, it submits my score in the middle of the game.sure would like finish at least one game. November 28th, 2012 11:51 AM

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