Games - Flip Words

Flip WordsFlip Words

Kind of like Bookworm meets Scrabble. A word-finding game with some added perks like phrase guessing bonuses and 9-way multi-directional word pattern searching. by HipSoft

Flip Words Champion: dutch2lips Score: 124575 in 33:35

Highest score of all time: dutch2lips Score: 124575 in 33:35

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Commenting & Reviews

2. zubairwaqas said:
Really ! How sad. February 15th, 2020 2:54 AM

1. nutter said:
dang - just got 117000 but it had an error when submitting score - that was a waste of time February 11th, 2020 9:00 AM

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Wise Words

Let's get on with it then, I've got a quest to do in 15 minutes. -Dwarf in World of Warcraft | Read More...

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