Games - Bubble Trouble 2: Rebubbled

Bubble Trouble 2: RebubbledBubble Trouble 2: Rebubbled

Pop as many bubbles as you can while staying alive in Bubble Trouble 2: Rebubbled - Staying Alive version. by Rebubbled

Bubble Trouble 2: Rebubbled Champion: TasosP13 Score: 321 in 06:12

Highest score of all time: TasosP13 Score: 321 in 06:12

Compatibility Issues: This game doesn't submit scores once you go past level 4.

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Commenting & Reviews

3. drath said:
This game doesn't submit scores once you reach level 5 :( October 25th, 2024 5:39 PM

2. chukboy said:
It does not submit them when you beat the high score. This really sucks as I got over 600 and the game just sits there. i just played again and quit once I beat the high score and it did the same thing. November 17th, 2010 3:27 AM

1. chukboy said:
This game does not submit high scores at the end now. October 4th, 2010 3:31 AM

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