Games - Bloons Tower Defense 2

Bloons Tower Defense 2Bloons Tower Defense 2

The second entry in the ever-expanding series of Bloons Tower Defense. Bloons Tower Defense 2 features some new items such as Monkey Glue and Road Spikes as well as some new Bloon types. This version features the easy map only. by NinjaKiwi

Bloons Tower Defense 2 Champion: djsimmy365 Score: 1310383 in 77:10

Highest score of all time: djsimmy365 Score: 1310383 in 77:10

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Commenting & Reviews

1. peterre said:
i played the game max out, no kills ,, only get a bronze medaille , the score is 280K+ ,,, how can people have 1 million or more ?????? Greetz Peter March 6th, 2014 11:37 AM

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