Games - Ball Balance

Ball BalanceBall Balance

Believe it or not, this game is all about keeping the level balanced while dropping balls. The object of the game is to connect same colored balls in groups of three. by Emanuele Feronato for Kongregate

Ball Balance Champion: Vesta Score: 46180 in 21:47

Highest score of all time: Vesta Score: 72440 in 34:03

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Commenting & Reviews

2. mark13ox said:
another on this one. What is the point of creating a different username for each game? Who the fuck is doing this? November 11th, 2015 7:30 AM

1. mark13ox said:
So who can explain this? Why is there someone who occasionally creates a new username, then uses it to play only one game, but get an extremely high score on it (probably cheating somehow)? Tasos did it with PowerDriver, another username on PacXon, anothe November 11th, 2015 7:30 AM

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