Games - Angry Faic

Angry FaicAngry Faic

Fall and bounce off of all those other emote-icons to score epic combos. Why? BECAUSE YOU ARE ANGRY FAIC! Land on the same color of faces as you are, otherwise you will lose a life. Use the arrow keys to move and ASDF keys to change colors. by Kabomb Games.

Angry Faic Champion: NippleHair Score: 165 in 02:47

Highest score of all time: NippleHair Score: 165 in 02:47

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Commenting & Reviews

5. NippleHair said:
All about them combos. August 9th, 2017 10:23 PM

4. BoilerMaker777 said:
Thank you aewtx , I hate it when a player resets a game just to get a badge and posts a crappy score. I was only trying to push the level of play up and you have obviously taken the reigns. Cheers ;) October 11th, 2016 6:17 PM

3. iPoopOnOysters said:
Too close, drath... September 12th, 2012 10:24 AM

2. drath said:
This game took forever to master. September 1st, 2012 9:10 AM

1. Renegade said:
good game once it gets going. August 31st, 2012 6:32 PM

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