Games - 8 Letters in Search of a Word

8 Letters in Search of a Word8 Letters in Search of a Word

Try to spell as many words as you can with your randomly selected letters. Make it through the levels easily by trying to spell an eight letter word. by east of the web

8 Letters in Search of a Word Champion: cruciv63 Score: 28304 in 74:59

Highest score of all time: cruciv63 Score: 28304 in 74:59

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Commenting & Reviews

21. cruciv63 said:
Thanks for the advice, BoilerMaker777. January 9th, 2017 6:27 PM

20. BoilerMaker777 said:
I think you should let it go ... every long time player here has lost a good/top score due to some bug or fault. January 9th, 2017 3:46 PM

19. cruciv63 said:
My two highest scores of 28449 and 29413 are not on the board because of 'submit' errors. On the East of the Web website, the score is automatically placed on the high score list; you don't have to click on 'submit'. January 9th, 2017 2:01 PM

18. cruciv63 said:
I Am Error There was an error submitting the score for your game. This may also be caused by clicking the submit button more than once. To prevent cheating and prevent this error, please only hit submit once! Debug Message (for error reporting) 28449 January 9th, 2017 1:56 PM

17. cruciv63 said:
I Am Error There was an error submitting the score for your game. This may also be caused by clicking the submit button more than once. To prevent cheating and prevent this error, please only hit submit once! Debug Message (for error reporting) 26540 January 7th, 2017 9:50 PM

16. cruciv63 said:
I Am Error There was an error submitting the score for your game. This may also be caused by clicking the submit button more than once. To prevent cheating and prevent this error, please only hit submit once! Debug Message (for error reporting) 24596 January 5th, 2017 8:47 PM

15. cruciv63 said:
I Am Error There was an error submitting the score for your game. This may also be caused by clicking the submit button more than once. To prevent cheating and prevent this error, please only hit submit once! Debug Message (for error reporting) 25308 January 3rd, 2017 10:10 PM

14. cruciv63 said:
I Am Error There was an error submitting the score for your game. This may also be caused by clicking the submit button more than once. To prevent cheating and prevent this error, please only hit submit once! Debug Message (for error reporting) 25953 January 1st, 2017 4:05 PM

13. cruciv63 said:
I Am Error There was an error submitting the score for your game. This may also be caused by clicking the submit button more than once. To prevent cheating and prevent this error, please only hit submit once! Debug Message (for error reporting) 22516 January 1st, 2017 12:27 PM

12. cruciv63 said:
I Am Error There was an error submitting the score for your game. This may also be caused by clicking the submit button more than once. To prevent cheating and prevent this error, please only hit submit once! Debug Message (for error reporting) 24849 December 31st, 2016 11:56 AM

11. cruciv63 said:
I Am Error There was an error submitting the score for your game. This may also be caused by clicking the submit button more than once. To prevent cheating and prevent this error, please only hit submit once! Debug Message (for error reporting) 23638 December 30th, 2016 8:11 PM

10. cruciv63 said:
I Am Error There was an error submitting the score for your game. This may also be caused by clicking the submit button more than once. To prevent cheating and prevent this error, please only hit submit once! Debug Message (for error reporting) 26870 December 29th, 2016 8:39 PM

9. cruciv63 said:
I Am Error There was an error submitting the score for your game. This may also be caused by clicking the submit button more than once. To prevent cheating and prevent this error, please only hit submit once! Debug Message (for error reporting) 20775 December 29th, 2016 4:39 PM

8. cruciv63 said:
I Am Error There was an error submitting the score for your game. This may also be caused by clicking the submit button more than once. To prevent cheating and prevent this error, please only hit submit once! Debug Message (for error reporting) 207 December 29th, 2016 4:38 PM

7. cruciv63 said:
I received an error (noted in the below post) when I tried to submit my score of 29413. That's the third game that I have received an error when submitting my score. December 26th, 2016 9:42 PM

6. cruciv63 said:
I Am Error There was an error submitting the score for your game. This may also be caused by clicking the submit button more than once. To prevent cheating and prevent this error, please only hit submit once! DEBUG MESSAGE (FOR ERROR REPORTING) 29413 December 26th, 2016 9:33 PM

5. cruciv63 said:
I Am Error There was an error submitting the score for your game. This may also be caused by clicking the submit button more than once. To prevent cheating and prevent this error, please only hit submit once! DEBUG MESSAGE (FOR ERROR REPORTING) 29413 December 26th, 2016 9:33 PM

4. cruciv63 said:
I played two games that aren't on the high score list because of this error: I Am Error There was an error submitting the score for your game. This may also be caused by clicking the submit button more than once. To prevent cheating and prevent this December 25th, 2016 10:59 PM

3. cruciv63 said:
I played two games that aren't on the high score list because of this error: I Am Error There was an error submitting the score for your game. This may also be caused by clicking the submit button more than once. To prevent cheating and prevent this December 25th, 2016 10:59 PM

2. cruciv63 said:
If I could type the words instead of clicking, I would be able to score more. December 25th, 2016 1:47 PM

1. Netherlands said:
Okay, enough for me on this site, 20.000+ point and not added. January 2nd, 2015 6:04 AM

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