
The village is your source for activities in Kokaro.

Collection Collector

Have you truly found a complete item set collection? Here's where that hard work pays off! Donate your collection to the Collection Collector for massive rewards and a medallion for the game you collected all of the items for.

Costume Shop

Looking for a new avatar, or want to sell one? Here's the place to do it. Unfortunately the shop marks their prices up quite a bit.

Item Guess

Think you can accurately guess which game the items you see on this site come from? Guessing wrong will make you lose 25 gold peices.


Our in-house wizard here will try to enchant one of your items, free of charge! Word is though... he isn't very good at it.


The lottery is a draw of Kokaro players that pool their gold pieces together for the randomized winner's jackpot.

Item Slot Machine

Think yourself lucky? Try to match up two or even three items on the item slot machine for prizes.

Item Collector

Looking to turn in those items for rewards? Look no further!

Seeker of the Rare

A specialized item collector with an insatiable thirst for rare trinkets.


A rival of the Enchanter, the Transmogrifier is actually good at his job. He takes pride in taking one of your items and turning it into something similar. This premier service comes with a price tag though.


The market place is your source for selling and buying items.

Vendor House

Kokaro Economy 101. Looking to buy or sell items to other players on Kokaro?


Looking for a shady character to do your dirty work? At the blackmarket, you can hire a thief that will seek out Kokaro players that are currently taking a long nap and snatch something from their inventory for you.

Avatar Guess

Think you can accurately guess which game the avatars you see on this site come from? It's Item Guess... but different-ish!

Treasure Room

Got a few keys on hand? Throw them away, I mean, use them to open up a loot box... err, I mean treasure chest!

Who's Online

48 Guests, 0 Users

Wise Words

I am Error. -Error in Zelda II: The Adventure of Link | Read More...

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