crustyeyejones's Profile

Ranking: Neophyte
Hit Points: 20
Gold: 3376 Gold Piece
Items: 8
Avatars: 0
Medallions: 0
Games Played: 18
Badges: 1
Quests Completed: 0
Foil Items: 0
Join Date: October 27th, 2020 5:31 PM
Last Login: October 30th, 2020 4:31 PM


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Flight of the Hamsters Champion
Score: 2510
Flight of the Hamsters

Currently Selling

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Latest Collected Medallions

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Latest Highscores

Flight of the Hamsters 1507 in 07:41

Flight of the Hamsters 1188 in 06:02

Flight of the Hamsters 1968 in 08:18

Flight of the Hamsters 1665 in 07:31

Flight of the Hamsters 1982 in 08:20

Flight of the Hamsters 2510 in 10:25

Flight of the Hamsters 1537 in 07:52

Flight of the Hamsters 439 in 03:20

Flight of the Hamsters 673 in 03:43

Flight of the Hamsters 305 in 02:20

Flight of the Hamsters 1662 in 07:00

Flight of the Hamsters 1711 in 07:45

Flight of the Hamsters 1999 in 08:49

Flight of the Hamsters 945 in 04:52

Flight of the Hamsters 1733 in 07:44

Flight of the Hamsters 1180 in 05:46

Flight of the Hamsters 524 in 03:09

Flight of the Hamsters 316 in 01:47

Latest Collected Items

Machine Gun FalconR1#2 ☈Machine Gun Falcon
Staple RemoverR2#26 ☇Staple Remover
1-UPR4#5 ☺1-UP
OarsR3#46 ☇Oars
Iron BootsR3#39 ☡Iron Boots
Heavy BombR4#12 ☁Heavy Bomb
Blue Water of LifeR1#9 ☀Blue Water of Life

ChainsawR1#1 ☣Chainsaw

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Wise Words

You have died of dysentery. -Announcement in The Oregon Trail | Read More...

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