Thyrill's Profile

Ranking: Neophyte
Hit Points: 20
Gold: 5281 Gold Piece
Items: 49
Avatars: 0
Medallions: 0
Games Played: 190
Badges: 0
Quests Completed: 1
Foil Items: 0
Join Date: December 21st, 2009, 8:15 PM
Last Login: April 10th, 2012 3:30 PM


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Latest Collected Medallions

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Latest Highscores

Card Toss 80470 in 03:26

Card Toss 36525 in 04:36

Card Toss 140766 in 04:04

Card Toss 37194 in 02:41

Card Toss 18212 in 01:45

Card Toss 12997 in 02:05

Bombay Taxi 2 3000 in 02:21

Balloon Park 6620 in 02:12

Breakit 3350 in 01:21

Toytown Tower Defense 8349 in 14:27

Balloon Park 4770 in 02:13

Bombay Taxi 2 1000 in 01:49

Bombay Taxi 2 1000 in 02:31

BPO Disk 13400 in 03:45

Bombay Taxi 2 1000 in 05:05

Balloon Park 3870 in 02:12

Plumber 2 5888 in 00:00

Choppa Poppa 1179 in 00:00

Latest Collected Items

Broken Goron's SwordR3#42 ☡Broken Goron's Sword
Spooky MaskR1#3 ☡Spooky Mask
Odd MushroomR4#66 ☡Odd Mushroom
Jolly RogerR4#58 ☇Jolly Roger
KeycardR3#15 ☉Keycard
LensR2#29 ☇Lens
RaftR2#5 ☥Raft

GrenadeR1#3 ☉Grenade
Expresso TokenR4#11 ☂Expresso Token
Breath MintsR1#9 ☇Breath Mints
1-Up MushroomR3#10 ☆1-Up Mushroom
DrinkR1#5 ☍Drink
ChaingunR3#4 ☣Chaingun
Reflective ShotR1#1 ☍Reflective Shot

Blue PepperR3#11 ★Blue Pepper
RaftR3#27 ☀Raft
Green ShellR1#1 ☆Green Shell
Rocket LauncherR4#7 ☣Rocket Launcher
Yellow Money BagR3#11 ☌Yellow Money Bag
GemR1#1 ☉Gem
Super ShotgunR3#5 ☣Super Shotgun

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Wise Words

Thank you Mario... But our princess is in another castle! -Toad in Super Mario Bros. | Read More...

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