A8D1786's Profile

Avatar AangAvatar Aang #28

Ranking: Neophyte
Hit Points: 20
Gold: 342 Gold Piece
Items: 0
Avatars: 1
Medallions: 0
Games Played: 30
Badges: 0
Quests Completed: 0
Foil Items: 0
Join Date: March 5th, 2014 3:25 AM
Last Login: May 2nd, 2014 3:30 AM


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Latest Highscores

Super Mario Bros. Star Scramble 2 31650 in 01:37

Super Mario Bros. Star Scramble 2 30350 in 00:40

Super Mario Bros. Star Scramble 2 31550 in 03:03

Super Mario Bros. Star Scramble 2 27200 in 00:39

Super Mario Bros. Star Scramble 2 27200 in 02:23

Super Mario Bros. Star Scramble 2 26250 in 04:52

Super Mario Bros. Star Scramble 2 26800 in 03:04

Super Mario Bros. Star Scramble 2 23050 in 01:14

Super Mario Bros. Star Scramble 2 22500 in 00:53

Super Mario Bros. Star Scramble 2 24000 in 02:12

Super Mario Bros. Star Scramble 2 22650 in 02:38

Super Mario Bros. Star Scramble 2 22300 in 00:31

Super Mario Bros. Star Scramble 2 22950 in 06:30

Super Mario Bros. Star Scramble 2 22500 in 01:09

Super Mario Bros. Star Scramble 2 24100 in 01:22

Super Mario Bros. Star Scramble 2 23200 in 02:14

Super Mario Bros. Star Scramble 2 21750 in 01:08

Super Mario Bros. Star Scramble 2 20400 in 00:32

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Wise Words

Let's get on with it then, I've got a quest to do in 15 minutes. -Dwarf in World of Warcraft | Read More...

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