Author Topic: Story Mode  (Read 4383 times)


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Story Mode
« on: August 12, 2010, 10:24:25 AM »
Something I've wanted to do for awhile was a journey/story mode - a more interactive way to get use out of certain items which would also create economy for specific/general items.

An idea would be like a multi-tiered approach when you go into story mode, you would work your way through levels of the story, for example.

"You wake up to find yourself somewhere strange. It is quite dark and you can't really see much around you."

* Now if you had a candle in your inventory, it would open up the following:

"You feel around the ground and find a candle."

* Which gives you an action button to "Touch It" which, when pressed would give you the message "As you touch the candle, it magically lights up and you can now see the rest of the room you are in". Now, you would be on level 2 of the story mode which would open up another hint and piece of the story.

Levels would save to your profile so you would naturally progress through it, gaining rewards, items, etc. I don't think I would want to make the story destroy the items when you progress either.

If you didn't have a candle in that case, you would just get the beginning message with no hint really other than "It is quite dark". It's kind of a text-adventure wrapped up into Kokaro in a sense.

Sound interesting at all?


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Re: Story Mode
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2010, 07:12:09 AM »

I Think It Sounds Quite Intresting
It Would Make Items Alot More Useful, And It Would Be A Neat Addition Overall ^__^


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Re: Story Mode
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2010, 11:09:57 AM »
I don't think it makes very much sense and would be complicated. Like, if I have a candle, why isn't the candle just in my bag?

It could be like, *open inventory, select mask, put on.
Walk down the street, scare little children, take their candy and run away. But if you didn't have the mask, then you would just get caught after.

I personally just don't like text games, either. Since it's more of one of those "choose your destiny!" Alone in the Dark books I read in grade 3, and less of an actual game.

I would say work more on the whole equipment thing you started, then you can do old-school neopet-style battles which were broken and made no sense.


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Re: Story Mode
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2010, 05:33:00 PM »
I love text adventures.  There are some lousy ones that are basically electronic "choose your own adventure" books, but most are a bit more interactive than that.

But don't make it too easy.  Players should have to figure out for themselves to use the candle.  Don't give them too many hints or make it obvious, the whole point of text adventure games is trying different items in different ways to figure out what to do next.

But I do agree with Scapegoat, I think a battle system would be even cooler.


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