Author Topic: Idle Thumbs  (Read 1817 times)


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Idle Thumbs
« on: July 07, 2010, 01:50:01 PM »
I thought I had a pretty unique humor: a mix of randomness and perversion (normally dirty/sexual) - with a touch of intellectualism thrown in. Some TV shows have captured this in certain ways, with a couple being: Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Arrested Development and Stella.

It's even rarer to find this in a Podcast, a podcast about video games even. Idle Thumbs has quickly become one of my favorites for the humor alone, the video game portion is just icing on the cake because I also think of video games as 99% of my life sometimes (although I rarely get to spend even like 10% of my time on them - stupid sleep/work).

If you like video games, you definitely need to have a listen to this Podcast - it definitely made me addicted to Podcasts more than I ever thought I could be.

There's been some format changes lately, but right now the line-up of hosts is:

Chris Remo
Editor-At-Large, Gamasutra

Jake Rodkin
Designer, Misc., Telltale Games

Steve Gaynor
Designer, 2K Marin


If you want a funny sample of craziness you can expect, check out this:

The forums are very mature and troll-free as well:


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