Author Topic: Changelog & To-do  (Read 35654 times)


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Changelog & To-do
« on: May 24, 2010, 12:24:48 PM »
I thought I would just have this planned list of to-do work on the site in case people were wondering what is coming up in the future. They are in no order, and maybe half of them will never actually get realized.

  • Auction House
  • Engraver NPC
  • The Laundromat
  • Pets
  • Disenchanter
  • Equipment refinement (+1, +2, etc.) and equipment page changes.
  • Battle system - Add monsters/bestiary
  • PVP
  • Daily wheel game
  • Ranking icons
  • Adventure/challenge mode
  • Video game trivia
  • Screenshot game
  • Item counts are off - Fix this
  • Achievements
  • Alphabetized/paginated game/highscore listings
  • Researcher NPC
  • Referral system
  • Story Mode
  • Revamp of search functions (don't use Google)
  • ____________________
  • Surprise Bag
  • View All Medallion Button
  • The Thief
  • Fix example on Magic Info page
  • Rules page
  • Add new sorting field for items to fix item # issues. Did you know there's no item #18 due to this issue? This will also allow to add more items into each set (I'm missing some items).
  • Missing Castlevania/Doom 64 items.
  • Make drop shadow more subtle on avatars/items.
  • Highest scores (a highest score that is kept after resets)
  • Add filtering/finding in inventory actions.
  • Games played is broken
  • Fix being able to sell the costume you are wearing
  • Show your avatar in forum
  • Implement effects of Fortune/Bartering/Persuasion
  • Reservation system changes - Don't allow removal from seller
  • Hint page
  • After a score has been submitted that does not meet minimum score to be submitted, have a button for returning to game (and for guest score submission page)
  • Only active (6 months) players are shown in top 20 leaderboard
  • Costume Shop
  • Game reviews/commentating
  • Up the max price for vendor
  • Forgot password
  • Avatars
  • Village drop down menu
  • Collection Collector NPC
  • New player bonus
  • Equipment footwear fix
  • Site feed RSS
  • Implement gold tossing system for comments
  • Quotebox
  • Remove 00:00 on high-scores
  • Make it rarer for rarer items to show up for sale in Marketplace
  • Featured daily game for bonuses
  • Quotes page (with credits)
  • Enchanted/magic only sort function
  • Affiliates page re-format/footer add
  • Show who last won lottery on lottery page
  • Don't allow purchasing of your own items on your profile
« Last Edit: June 03, 2024, 01:00:53 AM by drath »


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Re: To-do
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2010, 02:27:56 PM »
When there's eventually a better item sorting system, perhaps a "see enchanted items only" page?
« Last Edit: August 24, 2010, 11:21:56 AM by Scapegoat »


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Re: To-do
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2010, 11:25:36 AM »
Added new items to the to-do... it's growing pretty big.


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Re: To-do
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2010, 11:29:52 AM »
Things that most annoy me is that I need to flip through pages for inventory or games, if I select see all then it only works until I make whatever action then need to again (enchanter) and that the next / back pages buttons are at the bottom.

Like anything that requires more than 5 pages should probably have a < 1 2 3 4 5 > at the top of that page.


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Re: To-do
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2010, 08:41:42 PM »
For The:

"More incentive to play less-played games (more items/money?)Thing"

I Was Thinking Like, Maybe A Random Less-Played Game, Could Have A Gold Bonus On A Certain Week Or Something Like That, It Could Be Advertised On The Main Page, And Who Ever Gets The Highest Score At The End Of The Week Gets An Item Or Something ~

I Also Agree With Scape, That The Inventory Pages Coulld Be Better With A Number Bar Or Something :3


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Re: To-do
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2010, 02:56:12 PM »
Oh yeh! Neopets had featured games where you got extra points for playing!!

I realize I keep referring to Neopets but it's a similar well-established system. XD


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Re: To-do
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2010, 01:30:46 PM »
"Users who liked this game also liked:"?
Like there's two helicopter games so maybe someone who likes that would like to try the other?


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Re: To-do
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2010, 04:36:38 PM »
Are you advertising the site at all?

I think that it would BOOM if you advertised.

I know that I was instantly addicted to it. :)


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Re: To-do
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2010, 08:14:56 AM »
I do advertise quite a bit, unfortunately it's just a very competitive market - flash games that is. I think I am going to tailor the site to be more of a "pet and collectibles" site so I can get all those people that flock to those types of sites. I think people dismiss the site for just another flash gaming site. Nothing will change on the site though, just more fun :). Kokaro is on several voting sites too:


Vote if you have some spare time.


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Re: To-do
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2010, 05:52:16 PM »
May I suggest something?

I have voted a couple of times, but I tend to forget the option is even there, plus I think it is easy to not realize that the voting page is even there, since it is buried over in the "other" menu.

Maybe just a "Have you voted today?" reminder on the home page or something would get you more votes.  And a lot of sites have incentives for voting, you could do something like that.  A small amount of gold for each vote, or maybe a chance at getting an item.  Something like that.


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Re: To-do
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2010, 09:53:37 AM »
Definitely Vyra, those are some great ideas. Didn't know if that would just annoy people. I can do some testing/trying.


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Re: To-do
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2010, 08:19:08 AM »
Every time I see a game I want the username of the champion of that game to be displayed small in/underneath the game icon.

Anyone else think they want this? :/


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Re: To-do
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2010, 03:05:48 AM »
What's all this?


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Re: To-do
« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2010, 02:56:37 PM »
Let's not make the item collector deku items so closely together? In fact, let's not repeat quest items from the item collector? :x

I'd prefer one set 8am-7pm then repeat 8pm-7am since I'd miss the late night / early morning ones anyway.


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Re: To-do
« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2011, 08:55:20 PM »
Hints page is now up: http://www.kokaro.com/hints.php

Also, magic items are purdy lookin':
« Last Edit: October 21, 2011, 08:59:53 PM by drath »


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