Author Topic: Enchanter  (Read 3469 times)


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« on: April 16, 2010, 10:09:20 AM »
Scapegoat and I were talking about how to keep the R1 items as common as their rarity is supposed to be indicative of. Here are two ideas I thought of, regarding the Enchanter:

1. If the enchanter transforms your item into another item, he should take 5% gold maybe, so you're not getting something for nothing and getting rid of low-level items without a bit of thought.


2. Instead of a 100% chance that, if your item is transmogrified it becomes a higher rank, maybe that could be tweaked a bit. So, for example, an R1 item might break down like this:
50% chance it changes to a different R1 item
50% chance it becomes an R2

An R2 item might have these odds:
50% chance it becomes a different R2
40% chance it becomes an R3
10% chance it becomes an R1. ("Oh crap I made it WORSE!")

Within this, there could be something like a 1% chance of an R1-3 items becoming an R5. On the other hand, I think it's important to not make the "negative" consequences TOO likely, because item transformation is already nested inside the other list of options (enchant, destroy, item, destroy+gold) that already carries quite negative consequences.

What do you think?
« Last Edit: April 16, 2010, 10:12:21 AM by Jacq »
Chances are your pants are not as fancy as the pair of very fancy pants that Mister Fancypants would wear.


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Re: Enchanter
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2010, 10:14:57 AM »
What if you can only enchant 5 items a day or something???


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Re: Enchanter
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2010, 10:24:25 AM »
Personally, I hate time-constrained events like that. I understand that they're effective from a psychological point of view, but I'm not really a daily player, and I hate the thought of being penalized for not being able to "keep up" and have a disadvantage against those that have the time to micromanage. If I want to ignore Kokaro for a week, and thenn go on a "binge" for a day, I want to be able to make the most of that day.
(There is bitterness from other web-based sites and MMOs here, I'll admit. I missed out on a Veemon egg from Digimon Battle because I didn't log in 27 days in a row :( )

Daily wheel I don't have a problem with, because it's not game-breaking in the same way an enchantment constraint is.

HOWEVER, the idea of a "stock count" or something in the shop seems like it would be internally consistant? Like, if the shopkeeper only had 5 of each item or something each restock... Hmmm... I don't really like that idea, though...
Chances are your pants are not as fancy as the pair of very fancy pants that Mister Fancypants would wear.


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Re: Enchanter
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2010, 10:52:45 AM »
If shop keeper only had quantity 10 of each item then that would prevent me from buying 100 items that cost under a hundred each at the same time. It could also help control super duper rare items that everyone might want ... if there were a lot more people playing that is.


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Re: Enchanter
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2010, 03:48:13 PM »
Since I have like over 300 items (pfft) I need to view all, then enchant, then I need to view all again. It should just stay as view all or however sorted after enchanting happens.



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Re: Enchanter
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2011, 12:15:26 PM »
I lucked out and had an item that got enchanted.  It cost me 18,000 gold coins.  Yikes. :'(


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Re: Enchanter
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2011, 12:44:58 PM »
Now that's some bad luck!


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Re: Enchanter
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2011, 06:19:33 PM »
No kidding, especially at first I thought I won the coins. :o


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