Author Topic: Forum/Kokaro Integration  (Read 2655 times)


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Forum/Kokaro Integration
« on: January 25, 2010, 08:45:28 AM »
As I stated in the first post, I wanted to integrate a lot of things in the forum that will effect the main Kokaro site, and vice versa. Here's a couple of my ideas so far:

  • Posting on the forum gives you a chance of earning an item/magic item.
  • Posting on the forum gives you gold (based on length of post) to a maximum of 25gp?
  • Total post count is a weighted statistic in your main profile as well as the leaderboard. Complete
  • Gold, total items, total games played, total badges, quest completed all show up under your name in the forums (in the left panel).
  • Forum ranks match your main site rank (like Neophyte, Journeyman, etc).
  • Forum virtue is a weighted statistic in your main profile as well as the leaderboard. Complete

Anything have any ideas of their own?
« Last Edit: January 31, 2010, 02:39:38 PM by drath »


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Re: Forum/Kokaro Integration
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2010, 05:42:11 PM »
Won't giving out gold or items for just posting welcome a whole bunch of crap posts that do nothing but clog up threads? Being rewarded for having a good +/- would make for a healthier forum.


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Re: Forum/Kokaro Integration
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2010, 08:54:14 PM »
Very true, that is a possibility, especially for people trying to abuse the system. Fortunately here in the beta Kokaro, there's not a lot of users to do such mean things.


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Re: Forum/Kokaro Integration
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2010, 11:18:37 PM »
I agree that spam should be kept to a minimum, but I like the idea of rewards for posting based on length and/or content as opposed to just "posts" - replying with a +1 isn't the same as having a real answer.
Personally I'm not a fan of any rep systems, but I know that a lot of people dig them so I won't complain.

Maybe in future there could be custom titles like "Grand Quester" or "Moneybags" or something (less lame) to denote users that are number 1 in some area?
Chances are your pants are not as fancy as the pair of very fancy pants that Mister Fancypants would wear.


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Re: Forum/Kokaro Integration
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2010, 03:54:08 AM »
I think it would be nice to have a messaging system. That way we could talk amongst ourselves in private. Also a trading system (other than the vender)would be nice.


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Re: Forum/Kokaro Integration
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2010, 08:33:05 AM »
The Private Messaging system will accommodate some of that for you here in the forums. I was also going allow users to give gold through the PM system as well, unfortunately it's kind of a iffy thing to do for actual trading.

The vendor shop is kind of only 50% way there. I wanted to be able to remove your own stock from the shop as well without having to buy it back. Not only that, but reserve an item for a certain user.


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