Author Topic: Journey to the Edge of the Universe  (Read 1641 times)


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Journey to the Edge of the Universe
« on: February 03, 2010, 02:55:37 PM »
Me and Scapegoat (player on Kokaro) have been addicted lately to understanding the universe and all the little (and massive) things that it is made up of. We stumbled upon the Discovery online video list, and she found a relevant and amazing documentary called "Journey to the Edge of the Universe". It's a long (but not too long) look into what we know about the universe, but really, it makes us realize how much we DON'T know about the universe.

If you have an hour (or more), please watch and learn, it's a great documentary on the subject:


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Re: Journey to the Edge of the Universe
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2010, 11:11:17 PM »
 I know everything about space... It is fact that the big bang was caused when the universe was walking down the street and saw a sign with comic sans on it... his head exploded to create our vast beautiful universe...


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