Author Topic: Tale of the Transmogrifier  (Read 2025 times)


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Tale of the Transmogrifier
« on: December 11, 2011, 02:27:23 PM »
Drath told me to write down and share my epic story with everyone about this certain, fantastic NPC.

Sooo the transmogrifier will turn an item into a similar item. For example, I needed a laser cannon to complete my Doom 64 collection. I didn't have any laser things, and only a cannonball and cannonballer (which are one word and doesn't count, I learned that the hard way).

But there is an item called "laser beam" which I didn't have either. I had a wide beam, transmogrified it to laser beam through connection of the word "beam", the first attempt gave me a wide-brim hat. With the laser beam I transmogrified it into laser cannon.

I did something similar with another set, if I'm one item away from getting a collection I would definitely use this guy.


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Re: Tale of the Transmogrifier
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2011, 02:34:24 PM »
:) I just used the transmogrifier a minute ago to turn a R1 boomerang from Zelda into a R5 Boomerang from Castlevania for the Seeker of the Rare.


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Re: Tale of the Transmogrifier
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2011, 02:40:47 PM »
Yes, that's how I got the boots. I really ... really ... like this guy.


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Re: Tale of the Transmogrifier
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2011, 02:54:32 PM »
I like-like him. <3


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