Author Topic: Bloodline Champions  (Read 2133 times)


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Bloodline Champions
« on: November 15, 2010, 09:19:21 AM »
I played quite a bit of this so far. I think I was invited into the beta from playing Anarchy Online back in the day?

Bloodline Champions is a competitive top-down rpg/mmo/action hybrid game that is currently in beta.

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I think it succeeds fairly well at what it is trying to do. Create a skill-based competitive top down action game. There's no randomization, no equipment, nothing making you better than opponents besides skill and knowledge (how to counter, what attacks to use). It's fairly deep and complex and you will lose at first guaranteed. I recommend sticking to one (of the many) classes until you get used to it, then move on to others. There's a lot of attacks (7 total) but they are quite similar in style across each class - in that one is a buff, some are attacks, etc. - They still vary a lot between, but generally speaking they are linked.

I'm not sure why people relate it to World of Warcraft (maybe because of the art?) but really it has nothing in common with any other MMO's out there right now. Technically speaking, it could be considered an RPG of sorts, but there's not much in that regard, it's more of an action/shooter.



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