Author Topic: The Backloggery  (Read 2862 times)


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The Backloggery
« on: May 14, 2010, 10:39:03 AM »
Lately I've been wanting to put together a list, a canon, a Rosetta stone (of sorts) of my gaming history. I have since found the perfect medium to record this... I present "The Backloggery".

Here's my profile:

Obviously I still have a lot of to do. What is the purpose of this? It's kind of for bragging rights, but more about myself - I like to keep track and records of things on a personal level. The site allows you to track games you have beaten, completed, are unfinished and a huge amount of other options. Since I am a video game collector, this also helps me keep track of my collection on that level as well. This will be a huge project for me. There's tons of fun stuff and extras like ratings, personal reviews, achievements... and I have just got in to it so I am sure there is tons of surprises as well.



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Re: The Backloggery
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2010, 03:03:49 PM »
Whoah! I didn't know you had a Wii. Cool!

(Since I hacked mine I now have like a billion games I would never pay $$ for but will also never finish)
Chances are your pants are not as fancy as the pair of very fancy pants that Mister Fancypants would wear.


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