Author Topic: WonderKing  (Read 1575 times)


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« on: April 20, 2010, 11:31:27 AM »
It's the MMORPG that I am currently playing.

It's also a 2D-sidescrolling MMORPG, not unlike, the popular, Maple Story. I'm new to this particular genre, but I think it works in a lot of ways. MMORPGs have become more and more popular, and thus, more complex as our technology increases, but this game takes a step backwards - a very noble/risky feat. There's now millions who play it, so I guess it works on that level.

There's an interesting variation of quest types, tons of items, fee to play (premium subscription model), nice set of classes, quality voice acting, quality/beautiful 2-d-esque graphics and more. There's a lot of quality in the game overall and an attractive aesthetic.


Some of my main problems with it:
They try to force your hand too much with the premium items by offering more inventory space which is desperately needed as they give you soooo many types of resources.

Some connectivity issues - some players look like they are teleporting around and you can't trust where the player is to be where they actually are on their end.

Graphics and style support more children and kids to become the dominant members of the player-base.



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