Author Topic: Home Page Changes  (Read 3656 times)


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Home Page Changes
« on: April 19, 2010, 07:23:22 AM »
As you may of noticed, the home page layout has been changed. Talking with Scapegoat we were able to figure out which were the most important parts that were on the home page, and shift them around to provide the best visibility and structure to members.

Somethings that were removed:
Notable Users
Notable Highscores
Random Items

Essentially, things that were random and meaningless.

It's a work-in-progress like most things, but does anybody have any ideas for the layout, most important things, least important things, new things that should be added?


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Re: Home Page Changes
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2010, 02:32:35 PM »
I'm sad to see the random items go. It was the only place where you could see items you didn't have from an incomplete set.

I mentioned this to Scapegoat, but maybe an NPC that's like a Librarian, that will let you see the complete item list from a random set for a fee, or something similar?

First impressions of the "new look" aren't positive for me, but it could be I'm just not used to it. Particularily, viewing on a netbook monitor (haven't seen it on the desktop yet) I'm not a fan of the big white space between the "Kokaro is" and the site fee. The "two-column" thing, with games on one side and text on the other looks kind of weird, as well.
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Re: Home Page Changes
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2010, 02:50:54 PM »
I agree with all of what you said, in fact, some of the same points I brought up to Scapegoat before going forward.


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Re: Home Page Changes
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2010, 03:00:29 PM »
I think a librarian is an excellent idea, drath and I just differ on what would be more exciting:

1. Seeing all the items of a set and trying to find them.
2. Being blind as to what you're missing so you feel more accomplished when you find it.

I think the overall design needs some tweaking, but the prioritizing of the information is making it more convenient for myself, I'll try to look into how other similar sites are layed out.


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Re: Home Page Changes
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2010, 04:29:38 PM »
What about... I'm not sure how the coding would work, but what about something like... The Librarian "research" one of your items. After a time period (or a fee, or both), he completes his research and will show you one (or more) items from the same set? I'm not sure there's a way for him to only display items not already in your inventory. If there isn't, the cost / number of items returned would have to be balanced with the chances of dud research - that is, if you have 13/15, the chances of 1 random item from the set being what you're looking for is low.

Did that make sense? If it can be done, it seems to balance the element of surprise with a collector's frustration.

Another thought would be for a fee he will tell you what item belongs to what number (like, Item #1 = triforce piece). That sort of breaks the fourth wall, though.
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Re: Home Page Changes
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2010, 06:31:13 PM »
I think your first option might even add more to frustration as you might research an item that you've seen before anyways (but don't physically have yet) again and again and never single out the one (or multiple) you might be looking for in specific.

Your second option does "break" the fourth wall, but it is an option that exists for people that really "want/need" to know. That way the user can be surprised, or not be surprised (for a fee that is).


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Re: Home Page Changes
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2010, 06:32:32 PM »
By the way, did some further changes to the home page.


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Re: Home Page Changes
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2010, 07:12:39 PM »
It looks a bit better now (I like the two BIG pictures with three little ones underneath.)
On my desktop (1680x1050), there's a LOT of unused space on the sides. It makes the middle part look more cluttered.

Hoooray for the random item feed to be back, though!
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Re: Home Page Changes
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2010, 10:55:44 AM »
I really like the new quote at the top of the forum.

(...I'm even mentally running it through in her voice.)


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Re: Home Page Changes
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2010, 11:21:30 AM »
I really like the new quote at the top of the forum.

(...I'm even mentally running it through in her voice.)

It's also randomized, there's lots of gems in there :)


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Re: Home Page Changes
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2010, 11:14:24 AM »
"On my desktop (1680x1050), there's a LOT of unused space on the sides."

the website is designed to function for the majority, and the majority of people do not have such a large desktop size. :o


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