Started by Renegade - Last post by Renegadeon: November 16, 2016, 10:51:03 PM
If this site is still maintained, you gotta bring it back to the good old days when item drops were plenty, before it got nerfed. Bring it back and you'll see new life to the site, guaranteed.
Started by D1107 - Last post by alexbielby5on: September 03, 2016, 06:20:34 AM
Birth by Sleep is a prequel to the first Kingdom Hearts game, taking place ten years prior, and focusing on the story of three apprentices that wield Keyblades before the series' main protagonist Sora.[9][10] Nomura has stated that, though there are three scenarios—one for each of the main characters
Started by drath - Last post by D1107on: May 07, 2016, 04:47:35 PM
Bumperjack: When I was playing Bumperjack, I got a really high score at around 46000 ish, and with almost 50 minutes to spare. Then, my game froze, preventing me from submitting the game.
I am looking for items in several game collections in order to get a medallion. The most prominent are Ice Climber, Doom, Doom 64,pacman, Battle City as well as several others. I have quite a number of items to trade/sell and am always looking to buy. Hope to hear from you.