Can someone give me some hints for Eight Letters?
I usually get between 24,000-28,000 points per game, and can't seem to get much more, because the time limit gets shorter. I can only type so fast. I don't understand how anyone can score over 35,000 points. I see scores in the hundreds of thousands, and more, on the board, and can't figure out how any person can click or type that fast while thinking of long words; it's humanly impossible.
Is it better to get as many shorter words as I can, and then get the eight letter word, or to just get the longest words only? I'm trying to figure out how to get more points per level. This game just doesn't give many points for each level. I run into a brick wall every time I'm near 24,000-28,000 points because the clock runs out.
I used to get hundreds of thousands of points playing the old game WORD WIZ on, but unfortunately, that game has been gone since around 2010. At least in WORD WIZ, the clock wasn't nearly as fast as the one in Eight Letters.
Any help would be appreciated.