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21 -  Kokaro / Village / Re: Item Collector Discussion 2.0

Started by seaside - Last post by drath on: November 25, 2024, 10:19:31 AM

I think we're going to need some kind of item limit. Not sure how to implement it yet, haha. From the code:

   case 1: $quest = "energy"; break;
   case 2: $quest = "shot"; break;
   case 3: $quest = "shell"; break;
   case 4: $quest = "boots"; break;
   case 5: $quest = "deku"; break;
   case 6: $quest = "bomb"; break;
   case 7: $quest = "mask"; break;
   case 8: $quest = "mushroom"; break;
   case 9: $quest = "potion"; break;
   case 10: $quest = "sword"; break;
   case 11: $quest = "fire"; break;
   case 12: $quest = "red"; break;
   case 13: $quest = "key"; break;
   case 14: $quest = "blue"; break;   
   case 15: $quest = "magic"; break;   
   case 16: $quest = "bag"; break;
   case 17: $quest = "green"; break;
   case 18: $quest = "shield"; break;
   case 19: $quest = "small"; break;   
   case 20: $quest = "coin"; break;
   case 21: $quest = "hat"; break;
   case 22: $quest = "ring"; break;
   case 23: $quest = "letter"; break;   
   case 24: $quest = "armor"; break;   
   default: $quest = "balloon"; break;

22 -  Kokaro / Games / Re: Favorite Game?

Started by drath - Last post by seaside on: November 23, 2024, 04:27:03 AM

This is greatly subject to change, but recently I have been addicted to Angry Faic. Lol. The game where you have to bounce off of different colors and try to hold combos. It's so easy to find myself in an hour or two loop at a time where I'm trying to out-defeat my high score.

23 -  Kokaro / Village / Item Collector Discussion 2.0

Started by seaside - Last post by seaside on: November 23, 2024, 04:20:18 AM

I know this was an old thread but actually this has been something I've thought about recently on Kokaro. I enjoy farming for items to quest with on the Item Collector (while I wait for eternity to be able to get some R5's that I need for medallions...  :'( ;D) and I was actually wondering if a list could be provided on all the item types that are currently in rotation for the Item Collector. I am building up a hefty load of extra items that I'd like to possibly get rid of or quest off to the Item Collector (lots of R1's), so I was pondering on some other item types that may not already be added. I'm not sure. Also trying to get rid of excess items because I think due to the amount of items I have at the moment, I am not able to view my full list of items, as the server takes too long to load them and times-out - rendering me stuck with a lot of items I can't look at or get rid of unless I search each one individually in which the server only loads that one item. Anyways. Item Collector! Curious what the current complete rotation table looks like. Thanks! (:

24 -  Other / Off Topic / Re: 100 Video Game Characters in the Style of Mega Man

Started by drath - Last post by seaside on: November 22, 2024, 03:48:18 AM

Woah, I know this post is from a long time ago but just seeing this now and this is super cool! Haha I'm a big fan of the Megaman era and style <3

25 -  Kokaro / Games / Re: New Games?

Started by D1107 - Last post by seaside on: November 10, 2024, 07:04:01 PM

Adding a simple Blackjack game would be a nice suggestion from me!

26 -  Kokaro / Site Discussion / Re: The Future of Kokaro

Started by NippleHair - Last post by seaside on: October 27, 2024, 05:37:40 PM

Your right, I forgot to mention the Flash Player ending in 2020. That will pretty much end the site, but we might as well keep the site up to have as much fun as we can.

Don't know if you will ever see this message, but drath has revived the site with the addition of Ruffle Flash Emulator  ;D Some games are still semi-functional I feel like, but who knows as time goes on maybe the Flash emulator will become better over time. It's nice to be able to come back on here though.

27 -  Kokaro / Site Discussion / Re: Site Back Up!

Started by drath - Last post by seaside on: October 25, 2024, 09:00:27 PM

So, the site has been down and broken for a couple of years now.

No longer! Flash lives again thanks to Ruffle! FLASH FOREVER!

More to come! Check out the Changelog post for future updates: https://www.kokaro.com/forum/index.php/topic,51.0.html

You are a legend for bringing Kokaro back. I have checked periodically for the past couple of years to see if it would ever be back up after the hiccup in Flash. Flash forever!  ;D 8)

28 -  Kokaro / Site Discussion / Re: Site Back Up!

Started by drath - Last post by test on: October 25, 2024, 12:06:06 PM


29 -  Kokaro / Site Discussion / Re: Changelog & To-do

Started by drath - Last post by drath on: October 25, 2024, 10:43:09 AM

Some new stuffs:

  • Added the ability to gamble 10 or 25 times in a row in the Item Slot Machine.
  • Upgraded the Ruffle player on the site.
  • Added a compatibility section for games that are not fully supported by Ruffle. Let me know if you find any that have issues!
  • Fixed not being able to comment on games.
  • Fixed not being able to post in the forums.

30 -  Kokaro / Site Discussion / Re: Changelog & To-do

Started by drath - Last post by drath on: June 06, 2024, 12:17:11 AM


  • Fixed item pagination showing the next page in instances where there was no next page of items.
  • The vendor house now sorts items sold to others at the bottom of the list.
  • Added the Treasure Room to the village which uses keys to open deterministic or "themed" chests.
  • When submitting a score, it now lets you know who got the bonus 10 gold for being the champion.
  • Player's latest highscores are now shown in player profiles.
  • Fixed some places where magic status was not showing properly.
  • Slightly increased the chances of getting a magical item when dropped/given normally.
  • Added ultra-rare foil items that count towards a new leaderboard statistic.

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