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Messages - AK47

on: June 10, 2010, 07:56:08 PM 1 Kokaro / Games / Re: Game Bugs and Oddities

Fixing site problems is one thing, but I don't really know how much influence you have on the people who made the games. Nevertheless...


When the gong sounds at the end after the timer runs out, if there is anything else happening in the game (eg, tiles falling, tiles being consumed/submitted etc) then it will stop there and never submit your score. The tiles and the worm don't get charred up like they do normally.
You can still click on letters, but you can't really play because they aren't the letters that you're reading. I think the timer also resets, like it's started a new game but hasn't updated the visuals.

Also, "suss", "doofus", "queef" and "muon" aren't in the word list! C'mon guys! These are all words that I use on a daily basis...  haha don't ask ;D

Edit: "joey" (baby kangaroo, not a proper noun), and "stylish"

on: May 21, 2010, 06:59:58 PM 2 Kokaro / Site Discussion / Re: Official Bugs Thread

Hooray! Thanks!

I screenshotted at the end of the last few rounds, just in case something went wrong (with my internet, not Kokaro's) so I could show it to Jacq and bawwwwwwww about it.  ;D I guess it stems from being a compulsive quicksaver in Half-Life 2. (Which I am quickly recovering from, I might add.)

on: May 21, 2010, 02:36:53 PM 3 Kokaro / Site Discussion / Re: Official Bugs Thread

OH BOY! Well, I may have lost this round but I am so getting a high score! Playing this game for like 2 hours was totally worth my time, as usual! :)



Don't try telling me it's the Firefox script blocker, because Kokaro is "allowed", and it always worked okay previously.

(It was "Hotel general manager" by the way.)
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