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Messages - bkretz4

on: March 20, 2012, 08:17:05 AM 1 Kokaro / Site Discussion / DK Country

Anybody with a frog token, hmu. Will pay 4000 for it or trade.

on: March 09, 2012, 02:44:20 PM 2 Kokaro / Site Discussion / Donkey Kong Country

Anybody with some DK Country items? I need to fill my collection and I'm willing to trade/buy some. Let me know if your willing to let me buy some things. (:

on: March 09, 2012, 02:38:41 PM 3 Kokaro / Village / Re: Slot Machine?

That wheel idea is a super good idea. I would get on everyday and spin it... even if it costed a little bit of gold. Also, a daily trivia question would be something I would be interested in doing. Maybe even create a Jeapordy-type game where people could win gold and face off against each other.?
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